Image result for SATScholastic Aptitude Test (SAT):  Students who are applying for an undergraduate (bachelor's) degree in the USA may need to take the SAT in addition to the TOEFL, depending on the requirements of the colleges they are applying to. Some colleges in the USA will require SAT, some may recommend it, and some will not require it. To gain entrance into competitive colleges especially – and to compete for scholarships – USEF-Nepal highly recommends that undergraduate applicants take the SAT.
There are two types of SAT available: SAT I (Reasoning Test) , and SAT II (Subject Tests) . SAT I consist of critical reading, math, and writing components. SAT II exams are offered in about 15 different subjects, such as Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, etc.

SAT exams are paper-based tests and are offered up to six days per year at Lincoln School and/ or St. Xavier's School. You may take either SAT I or SAT II on any given exam date. You may take up to three SAT II exams per test date (each test is an hour long).

Scores on standardized tests like the SAT-I (Reasoning Test) and the SAT-II (Subject Tests) help colleges compare the academic achievements of students from different schools across different countries because courses and grading standards vary widely. They also help you to compare your reasoning abilities and academic strengths with those of more than 2.5 million students who take these tests each year. 

Paper-based standardized test
College Board, Educational Testing Service.
Knowledge /skills tested
Writing, critical reading, mathematics.
Admission to undergraduate programs of universities or colleges.
Year started
Minimum of 3 hours and 45 minutes
Score/grade range
200-800 (in 10 point increments) on each of three sections (total 600-2400). Essay scored on scale of 0-12, in 1 point increments
Seven times annually
Annual no. of test takers
Over 1.67 million high school graduates in the class of 2014
Prerequisites/eligibility criteria
No official prerequisite. Intended for high school students. Fluency in English assumed.
US$52.5 to US$101.5, or depending on country.
SAT I : $68
SAT II : $ 45 base fee + $8 per subject
Scores/grades used by
Most universities and colleges offering undergraduate programs in the US.
By mail via dollar – denominated bank draft or online with an international credit card. (collegeboard)
Banks to register SAT exam in Nepal
Global IME Bank – Naxal Branch, Kathmandu
Kumari Bank – Putalisadak Branch, Kathmandu
Nabil Bank – Durbar marg Branch, Kathmandu
Nepal Investment Bank – Lazimpat Branch, Kathmandu
SAT Representative for Nepal
Asia-Singapore region:
Mailing Address: Connectere (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Tanjong Pagar Post Office, P.B.Box 268, Singapore 910809
Street Address: Connectere (S) Pte Ltd 10 Anson Road, #20-12, International Plaza, Singapore 079903, Phone: +65-9772-9484 or +65-6438-6900, E-mail:
US Educational Advising Centre

Educational Advising Centre, U.S. Educational Foundation in Nepal
P.O.Box: 380, Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal,
Phone: +977 1 4414598, Fax: +977 1 4410881
SAT Exam Centres in Nepal
Lincoln School, Kathmandu        – 74620
Rato Bangala School, Lalitpur    – 74627
St. Xavier’s School, Kathmandu - 74625

Although there is not any universal law of grading pencils, they are graded mainly by their darkness. The grading varies slightly between the companies too. There is one thing which is the most confusing thing among all. "The difference in grading system"

There is a clear difference between US and English grading system. In American System people use the word No 1, 2, 3 or 4 while in English system HB, H, B are used. Then, which and which are equivalent? The question may arise. Let’s see the chart below:

# 1
# 2
# 2.5
# 3
# 4

To explain English system uses words whereas American system uses numbers. Originally, H meant hard and softer pencils were called B meaning black. As the grade changes they would add more letters, thus very soft was BB and very hard HH. The harder the more H. 9H means that it is combination of 9 Hs. same is the case of soft i.e. B.

In reality however, there is no specific industry standard for the darkness of the mark to be left within the HB or any other hardness grade scale. Thus, a #2 or HB pencil from one brand will not necessarily leave the same mark as a #2 or HB pencil from another brand. Most pencil manufacturers set their own internal standards for graphite hardness grades and overall quality of the core, some differences are regional.

Generally, an HB grade about the middle of the scale is considered to be equivalent to a #2 pencil according to American Grading System.


Ways to study for SAT and ACT

*   Khan Academy. Millions of people, including Bill Gates's children, have watched this popular site's online tutorials. Using videos, Khan Academy provides the answers and explanations for every math problem in the first edition of the the College Board's official SAT study guide, which was published in 2004. This book is out of print, but you can find many used copies on Amazon for as little as $2.96. Don't worry that your child will be studying old material. The nature of the math questions haven't changed.
*    PWN the SAT. Want your teen to ace the math section of the SAT? Try PWN the SAT. (PWN is a video-gaming term that means "own.") At this blog, a math tutor in Manhattan shares his vast knowledge of the SAT math section. This isn't just a site for students who need math help -- it's also a valuable resource for ambitious students who want to earn a perfect math score. 
Bravewriter’s SAT/ACT essay class helps equip students with the writing skills they need to succeed on the writing portion of either standardized assessment.
*     College BoardBuy a copy of what test-prep insiders call the "Blue Book," which is the College Board's own thick SAT guide. The latest version is called "The Official SAT Study Guide DVD Edition" or "The Official SAT Study Guide 2nd edition." Buy the book and your teen will have access to the College Board's online site for the book owners.
*      College Primers
College Primers has services designed for students of all education levels, along with books, important deadline reminders, and common forms and documents you will encounter through the college admissions process.
ACT and SAT Prep from college prep 101 goes over a variety of areas not only surrounding preparation for the assessments, but also content designed to make the transition to college easier.
*     ACT. An inexpensive way to study for the ACT is to buy "The Real ACT Prep Guide," which includes five retired ACT tests. Your teenager can also study online at the ACT site for $21.95 for a year. 
Flex Test Pres focuses on reading strategies, writing practice tests, math practice exams, and many other comprehensive programs on educating students to be prepared for ACT and SAT assessments.
*     The Critical ReaderIt's difficult to improve upon the reading score of the SAT, but this site, courtesy of another test-prep tutor, can help. The Critical Reader is the site of Erica Meltzer, who provides a great deal of free advice via hertest-prep blog on the critical reading and writing portion of the SAT test. You'll also find free study guides on her site. Including the "Complete SAT Grammar Rules" and the "Complete ACT Punctuation Rules." You can get even more advice by reading her book, "The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar."
*     Number2.comStudents can study for the SAT and ACT at this site, and one of the best parts is that parents can track the time that their teens spend on it, as well as their progress. No need to rely on your children to tell you if they've actually been studying. 
*   EriktheRed. This helpful site belongs to Erik Jacobsen, an East Coast math and physics tutor who helps students prepare for the math section of the SAT and ACT. Students will find lots of free materials to download for the SAT test, including quizzes, formulas and exam strategies.
SAT Test dates provides lists of all test dates and locations to take the SAT by state. Students can also discuss test dates for their locality with a school counselor or other local education professional.
Perfect Score Project was started by a mother who wanted to connect with her won over academic struggle, and grew into a resource for anyone looking to transform the SAT from an intimidating obstacle to an invigorating challenge.
*       Veritas Prep

Varitas Prep is designed to help students increase their scores on the SAT and move them into a higher percentile category. The program is developed by a student who achieved a perfect score on the SAT.
 Source: cbsnews, yescollege

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